
Science on a Sphere

'Science on a Sphere' was inaugurated by the Hon'ble Chief Minister of Tamilnadu , on 19th November 2019 in the presence of The Hon'ble Minister for Higher Education , through video conference.

Science On a Sphere (SOS) is a spherical projection system created by the United States National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA). Researchers at NOAA developed SOS as an educational tool to help illustrate Earth system science to people of all ages. Videos are normally screened on a flat screen. However, SOS presents high-resolution video on a suspended globe. The globe represents our Earth.

Science On a Sphere is an astonishing piece of technology that uses computers and video projectors to display dynamic, animated images of the atmosphere, oceans and land on an illuminated sphere six feet in diameter.

This system will allow Periyar Science and Technology Centre to explain complex environmental processes to the visitors in an innovative way that is both educational and interactive.

Agriculture: Cropland Intensity, Arctic Sea Ice, Atmospheric General Circulation, Carbon Tracker, Climate Model: Temperature Change from 1870 - 2100, Clouds (colorized) - Real-time, Coral Bleaching: Alerts - Real-time, Deep-Sea Vent Locations, Dengue Risk Assessment, Management, and Surveillance, Drought Risk, Earthquakes and Eruptions - 1960 - 2010, El Nino and La Nina Impacts, Fisheries Species Richness, Human Migration, Ocean Currents, Ocean Circulation, Precipitation - real-time, Protests and violence, Railroads, rainfall, Rising sea, Solar system, etc., are some of the over hundred topics available to be seen with SOS.

Science on a Sphere enhances informal educational programs in Periyar Science and Technology Centre.